BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Cast B‑1711

BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Cast is an acrylic solvent-based putty for hairline cracks and minor surface imperfections less than 1 mm when a plain finish of BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Topcoat is desired. It gives an elegant and durable textured finish when applied with a mortar gun. It is watertight, able to repel water and prevent seepage. It is noted for its excellent adhesion and long-term durability.

Technical Data

Principal Uses

For new and previously painted interior and exterior masonry and wooden surfaces.

Vehicle Type

Thermoplastic Acrylic

Dry Time

Touch: 30 minutes
Recoat: 4 hours
*Measured at 25°C and 50% relative humidity

(±0.05 kg/L)

1.58 kg/L

Theoretical Coverage

As putty: 10-12 sq. m.
As texture: 5-6 sq. m.
* per 4-Liters
*Depending on surface texture and porosity


Not applicable


BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Reducer B‑1750


BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Reducer B‑1750


4-Liters and 16-Liters


By mortar gun (for texture) or putty knife (for putty)


For Concrete

Allow new concrete to dry for 14-28 days under normal weather conditions before painting. Surface to be painted should be clean and dry, free from oil, grease, dust, dirt, contaminants, and all loose grit and mortar.

For Wooden Surfaces

Surface to be painted should be clean and dry, free from dust, dirt, and other foreign matter. Hammer all nails deep enough to apply putty. Sand rough wood until smooth and then dust off before painting.


Any existing paint that is not Acrytex should be completely removed. Scrape off all loose, scaling, flaking, and peeling paint manually or by using BOYSEN®® Paint and Varnish Remover B‑141, as necessary. Wash surfaces clean and completely remove chemical residue. Let it dry.
For repainting concrete, use BOYSEN®® Chalk Blocker™ B‑7304 as surface conditioner if surface is chalky. In case of mildew infestation, treat with a bleach solution (1:3, laundry bleach to water, respectively) by swabbing or brushing. To ensure proper treatment, let stand for 24 hours before cleaning off residue. Let dry.


BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Cast is designed to be used in a system. Topcoat is required.


Plain Finish

1. Prime bare substrate with BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Primer B‑1705

2. Putty minor surface imperfections with BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Cast B‑1711

3. Spot prime puttied areas with BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Primer B‑1705

4. Finish with at least 2 coats of BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Topcoat to desired sheen

Textured Finish

1. Prime bare substrate with BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Primer B‑1705

2. Spray BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Cast B‑1711 using a mortar gun. For a flattened texture, press Acrytex Cast B‑1711 using a plain wooden roller 10-15 minutes after spraying.

Note: Dampen wooden roller with water to prevent the roller from sticking to the cast.

3. Finish with at least 2 coats of BOYSEN®® Acrytex™ Topcoat to desired sheen
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